We want to take the hassle out of characterizing the performance of your imaging systems. We specialize in the development of tissue-equivalent optical phantoms which allow your team to iterate faster and rely less on animal studies. This page provides resources to better understand how our products can accelerate your clinical translation. But if you still have questions, please feel free to reach out!
Directions for Use

Reference Target Product Family:
Information on the normal, day-to-day use and care of the Concentration, Depth, Resolution and Radiometric Emitter Targets.
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FluoFlowTM: Dynamic fluorescence phantoms
Information on the storage and cleaning procedures to use this phantom with fluorophores.
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User Guide

Concentration Targets:
How to characterize the fluorescence sensitivity of an imaging systems using this shelf-stable enhancement of a common serial dilution.
Version: r0-6 – 436.49 KB

Depth Targets:
How to characterize the dependence of fluorescence signal on the depth of tissue-mimicking materials. This is a leveling-up that thin slice of bacon or bologna you were using…
Version: r0-6 – 311.95 KB

Resolution Targets:
How to characterize the spatial fluorescence resolution of an imaging system. What is the smallest feature your system can resolve in fluorescence mode?
Version: r0-6 – 390.43 KB

Radiometric-Emitter Targets:
How to mimic fluorescence by emitting light of a known wavelength and adjustable radiance. This is a stable reference to compare fluorescence signals and track system performance or photobleaching.
Application Note: Monitoring system imaging performance and
photobleaching using the radiometric emitter target
Version: r0-5 – 692.04 KB
Informational Flyers
Webinars and Presentations
Relevant Publications
AAPM Task Group Report 311: Guidance for performance evaluation of fluorescence-guided surgery systems
Brian W. Pogue, Timothy C. Zhu, Vasilis Ntziachristos, Brian C. Wilson, Keith D. Paulsen, Sylvain Gioux, Robert Nordstrom, T. Joshua Pfefer, Bruce J. Tromberg, Heidrun Wabnitz, Arjun Yodh, Yu Chen, Maritoni Litorja
Medical Physics 2024; 51: 740–771. DOI: 10.1002/mp.16849
Assessment of open-field fluorescence guided surgery systems: implementing a standardized method for characterization and comparison
Marien I. Ochoa, Alberto Ruiz, Ethan LaRochelle, Matthew Reed, Eren Berber, George Poultsides, Brian W. Pogue
Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(9) 096007 (21 September 2023) DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.28.9.096007
3D-Printed Tumor Phantoms for Assessment of In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging Analysis Methods
Ethan P.M. LaRochelle, Samuel S. Streeter, Eammon A. Littler, Alberto J Ruiz
Molecular Imaging and Biology 25, 212–220 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s11307-022-01783-5
Ambient Light Resistant Shortwave Infrared Fluorescence Imaging for Preclinical Tumor Delineation via the pH Low-Insertion Peptide Conjugated to Indocyanine Green
Benedict Edward Mc Larney, Mijin Kim, Sheryl Roberts, Magdalena Skubal, Hsiao-Ting Hsu, Anuja Ogirala, Edwin C. Pratt, Naga Vara Kishore Pillarsetty, Daniel A. Heller, Jason S. Lewis, Jan Grimm
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Aug 2023, jnumed.123.265686; DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.123.265686
Mapping estimates of vascular permeability with a clinical indocyanine green fluorescence imaging system in experimental pancreatic adenocarcinoma tumors
Matthew S. Reed, Marien Ochoa, Kenneth M. Tichauer, Ashley M. Weichmann, Marvin M. Doyley, Brian W. Pogue
Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(7) 076001 (13 July 2023) DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.28.7.076001